Wednesday, April 19, 2017

The Morning Show: This Afternoon brought to you by Limeade!

The Morning Show is a blog companion to the podcast audio.

Good morning, and welcome to the Signalman show! Happy Tax Day.. Man, what a fun time in Richmond this past Saturday.  Got to host a four hour radio broadcast on the six year anniversary of my first show, and spin some records for retired soldiers earlier.  Got to talking to a gentleman wearing a WWII hat who had landed on the beaches of France, and driven a captain 7,000 miles in a Jeep all through the back roads of the European theater.  The captain also was from Richmond, and after the war, they both went out to dinner.  How cool!  I get to hear these stories while I set up gear!

  Heading north after a fun day of music, I marveled at the sunlight filtering through the budding trees and fresh green leaves, and the good news of spring greeting even the stern and focused concrete of the interstate.  If Limeade could have sponsored an afternoon, this would have been the one to pick.  As a musician, I have a few extra things to relate experiences to, in addition to delicious drinks.  "I feel like I'm driving through a 13th chord!" I thought to myself, which sounds like this (plays chord.)  Sure, it's a slightly strange Josh thought, but as a instructor of music, I'd like to include you, the listener, in this thought, and give you a new set of metaphors and ways to relate to the world.  Don't worry, you don't have to be a musician.  I'll make it easy to follow.  Tune in tomorrow when we start our journey!

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